Our prices

Find the price that corresponds to your trip by clicking directly on the price to fill in the booking form.
The prices we post are the prices we apply. There are no hidden charges.

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Return trip prices

1 - 3 Pers 4 Pers 5 Pers 6 Pers 7 Pers 8 Pers
{{updownPrice.startPlace}} - {{updownPrice.endPlace}} - {{updownPrice.startPlace}} {{updownPrice.price3}} {{updownPrice.price4}} {{updownPrice.price5}} {{updownPrice.price6}} {{updownPrice.price7}} {{updownPrice.price8 | currency: "€"}}

One way prices

1 - 3 Pers 4 Pers 5 Pers 6 Pers 7 Pers 8 Pers
{{upPrice.startPlace}} - {{upPrice.endPlace}} {{upPrice.price3}} {{upPrice.price4}} {{upPrice.price5}} {{upPrice.price6}} {{upPrice.price7}} {{upPrice.price8 | currency: "€"}}
Paris visit - 3 hours 180 180 180 180 200 {{200 | currency: "€"}}